Journal Info

The Journal of Mass Violence Research (JMVR) is an interdisciplinary journal focused on all aspects of mass violence including, but not limited to, school shootings, mass or active shootings, international or domestic terrorism, serial murder, and/or genocide.

Features of JMVR

Open Access

Accepted articles will be made available to readers at no charge. We believe that research should be readily available to the public, policymakers, and others, which is why all JMVR articles will be openly available to read online and to download.

Quarterly Publication plus Online First

JMVR will publish four (4) issues per year, but you don't have to wait to read new and emerging research. All accepted articles will be available for readers ahead of being assigned to an issue through our Online First option.

Timely Decisions on All Manuscripts

While each review is different, it is our aim to provide feedback in a timely manner. Our goal is to have an initial decision to authors within 45 days of submission and, for all accepted papers, a 120-day average window from submission to acceptance.

Transparency Through the Process

We believe in a transparent process in order for authors to have the best possible experience with JMVR. All articles will be expected to adhere to the journal's guiding principles, as will the reviews and editorial decisions.